A. For Women
- Be on time. Unpunctuality is a fault with no redeeming features. However, if your date is late, don’t let it spoil the evening - remain pleasant.
- Wear something that makes you feel pretty - an outfit that has proven itself, with comfortable shoes.
- Tell yourself you’re not nervous, just excited.
- Read a newspaper or watch a news program that day so you will have something to talk about and sound as if you know what is happening in the world.
- If you can begin with the exchange of warm, relaxed smiles, you have a lot going for you.
- Be open to him,his plans,and the shape the evening takes.
- Use every opportunity to be observant, sensitive, perceptive and appreciative of what your date does or may have done.
- If something embarrassing happens,confess so that you can both laugh about it.
- Avoid arguing over things that would cause either of you to lose a limb. In other words, chill.
- Don’t look for a fight. Debate topics, don’t argue them.
- If you are having a good time, let him know it.
- Call him because you have just heard something that he would love to know about, a joke on a favorite subject, or a piece of news relating one of his heroes. He will feel that the two of you are really on the same team, and it will encourage him to think of you when he has news he wants to share with someone.
- Be busy. Projects of your own make for much more interesting discussion than last night’s TV program.
- Caring about each other more than petty victories is the essence of positive loving. Equality is not measured by a single act.
B. For Men
- Be on time. Unpunctuality is a fault with no redeeming features. However, if your date is late, don’t let it spoil the evening - remain pleasant.
- Read a newspaper or watch a news program that day so you will have something to talk about and sound as if you know what is happening in the world. Nothing is worse for a woman than to meet a pompous,self-important bore who couldn’t care less about anything that’s happening in the world but himself, and how it all affects him.
- Be open - to her, her plans, and the shape the evening takes.
- Don’t lie. Never lie. NEVER. It’s okay for one night. You lie through your teeth to be interesting. Great! You get a second date. Now you have to be consistent with all the lies you told on your first date. Tricky. Five days later you have to revise for two days before each date.
- A sense of humor (refined if possible) is you best ally.
- Avoid arguing over things that would cause either of you to lose a limb. In other words, chill.
- Don’t look for a fight. Debate topics,don’t argue them.
- Clean nails. VITAL.
- Use every opportunity to be observant, sensitive, perceptive and appreciative of what your date does or may have done.
- If something embarrassing happens, get over it.
- Don’t lie to anyone else about the date and what happened. It always goes horribly wrong.
- Practice makes slightly better, but not perfect. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your princess.
- If you are having a good time, let her know it.